Well I have to say without interlocking/geomerging the map looks very nice. I think this is an amazing idea but you didn't pull it off too well....
Wow this looks amazing. Close to perfect even. The only problem is the room in the third pic feels a little open. Other than that the gameplay is...
Alright the map looks o.k. (it would look better with geomerging) I am assuming this is for team games because of the bases. Even for a base there...
O.k he doesn't need 3 people telling him about his pictures hopefully from the first post he will learn. SoulxTakerx If you want people to even...
Does it have to be new or can it be an old one I made
Perfect how early can you play saturday because I'm having it tested around 6 est
Yes but the pit is much larger than foundry. Try replacing the rocket with a spartan laser or the sword with a mauler.
Can you wait a little I am almost done with a final version. You could help if you want : )
Yes exactly, I also suggest replacing the rockets with a spartan laser. That way you could take out the goast, but you couldn't dominate with the...
The asthetics on this map are great! The only problem I can see is that there are parts of the map (base,and the thing in the 2nd to last pic)...
It looks o.k. but I would suggest adding more to the attackers side. Maybe give them a small base or at least cover. I think it might not be as...
Hey whats your gt
I took your suggestions and changed the map tell me what you think.
I love the open box idea were you can throw grenades through and the merging is great. The only thing I would suggest is adding a little more to...
Ya you should make it so they never respawn and maybe put more platforms like that.
The map looks good but I don't really like the door and the stair things. Also do you have the pallets set to instant respawn, or can you shoot...
The interlocking looks good but you have a lot of power weapons and they are all fairly close together. Also I would suggest hiding the weapon...
Ya move the double box with the walls on it to the fence wall with the barrier on it and push it into the ground so it's even with the fence wall.
This map might not look great but the gameplay is awsome. I would like to see a list of weapons/vehicals and maybe some pictures of actual...
Wow this is great, I love all the towers, and how the map is focused on staying off the ground and using long range weapons. The only thing you...