here we hhhhgo Hey, thanks for beign kind and accepting sig requests from fellow members here is the photo that i would like you to put my name...
Xbox360 RULES Dude I dont care whatever anyone thinks, the Xbox360 is the best console in the market right now, even though it does not have...
i dont know its really like i dont like it that much its not the precsise i will use it only to see how much space i have as far as if a simple...
Lol thats funny, what i do it i go on top of the teleporters and wait there, when people get there they are like, where are the shooting from?
Hey its awsome, if you think something is missing then just cahnge it, but what i would really like is if you could teach me lolz. well lol.
i dont know what trashco really means lol.....
IDK for some reason the pics are so laggy in my screen i cant even see its like one picture draggs over to the next. sorry the things are too...
lol version 2? why this one is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo fun!!!!!! lol i had nauscea when i was playing.
Hello its Eclipz AKA Legend Builder well what i would like my sig to be like is a chief that has the following armor, rouge helm, katana, and both...
well the truth is i dont know how to make a signature by myself. lol
I think that it is not really a big problem that you are good at making casual maps, as long as they are pretty good. I mean you cant always be...
lol this map was released not so long ago and it is alrady very successful it is definitely one of the best maps ever. it should definetly be...
nice map man, it really is starting to help.
couldnt agree more mate!
lol me two i want a cool signature, awsome sgnature you made there by the way! trashco FTW x3
never would have thought of this it is really great, i think it is good enough to get featured, 45 degree angle, very good.
best map in history, its just 6/5 its so funny watching your friends shooting at you and then wondering off because they got dizzy, i was playing...
dont worry bout it man you are yust showin us, and by the way it works great, i get people stuck it it all the time now.
Wow, really good map, i just watched the movie yesterday, qudos, 5/5 What would happen if you have an even number or a bigger party, would the...
lol i think i know you from another clan (proforge) well anyways all of my maps are there just add me GT: Legend Builder