do you mind if i convert this? i really like the throne room, and is perfect for the temple to the God-Emperor i was making for a RP between my...
this would be fun to do a behtoven sketch on, so i think ill do that. ill let you know if we make any head way.
wow. I've only seen working mac once. god job mate.
yea. i wish i could do that. i usually just get a turretless scorpion and have my friend stand on top and shoot with his flamer "drive me close...
Text (name): Commander Xillian Render(iguess thats what its called):[IMG] Requested style: decayed looking. fettid. worn. any assortmnt of like...
oooh...thats a good name for it. ok. time for the return of teh chaos sparten! Name: Ocular enhancements Race: Human Details: Allows you to see...
this is fingerr,AKA nick AKA Commander Xillian AKA Srg. Xillian ITS HOWDY-DOODY TIME! ITS HOWDY DOODY TIME! ITS HOWDY DOODY TI- OOW! *gets hit...
mine (pull my fingerr) origionated when i first got Xbox live, as well as my Xbox 360. me and my frined were trying to come up with a witty and...
Name: Energy Axe Race: Brute Description: a brutally efficiant axe, its two blades are pure energy, which are at the top of a long, two handed...
i dont know why your acting like that guys. he looks to me to be a sienor member. (hence the f*ck*ng bar being full and stuff) so yea. hi from teh...
in-site-ful (XD I MADE A PUN!!) definatly will end for me then. cant beleive that! that is B*#$ S@*^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the world didnt end in the year 1000 or 2000, so why would it happen now? and to another post, the end of day will come when we nolonger need...
Greetings from the one and only, Commander Xillian, leader of many a campain in both halo and warhammer 40K (ill get you in one of my games. i run...
Chaos Because...well, just because.