Looks great but the only thing i dont like about it is how it sounds like there is no cover in the middle area since its open for the mongoose ,...
Cant help you there buddy , my xbox go bye bye :( (red ring of death)
Too many powerups , you should have made it compatible with all gametypes tbh.
Love it. 5/5
Embed pics please?
I would love Forgehub to have a longer period of time controlling the Bungie Favourites instead of 2 weeks , i think 2 months would be sufficient...
Ridiculous. They also sucks for being a clan too , just look at their clan results...
Neutral. Not great , Not terrible either. It's based on YOUR opinion only really.
I would ask you to help get some friends together and go for Overkill but im far too relaxed to play ranked :(
DEWP = Double Exp Weekend Playlist. GCSE = General Certificate of Secondary Education. FH = Forgehub :)
That's just sad , man. Sorry , but my mind consists only of forging and lolcats.com :p
On the last picture are you inside the roof area? because i cant recognise where the oddball spawn is.
List of Epic WIN: Human Sheild Upgraded Lancer New SMG (looks like the scorpion from CoD4 in a way) Chainsaw Fights Looks absolutely fantastic.
Looks nice , i wasnt familiar with most of those pics as it didnt look like the original Ghost Town. Good Job!
The ONLY decent default foundry goes by the name of "Upside-Downdry" :)
Should be to 50 instead of 25 , tbh its too little of a score amount...
TT Warthog has my vote too , Epic CTF Battles :)
LooksG useful , added to faves for future reference :)
As long as they dont a matchmaking or any important matches etc. Modders should be left as they are creating maps even though Microsoft dont...
Aww man , A well-made map on Ghost Town! i wish i never had my box taken off me...