Cheers mi dears , i didnt know it had your GT on so i though you coudve copied and pasted thats all. thanks for going through all the trouble ,...
Cool lol , its kinda sucky that you cant get out because it would make some awesome maps out there. Like the new spartan flood though haha :P
For a map that didnt use the unlimited money glitch it is very good , but whats wrong is because of that you couldnt put any more detail. It a...
That was like that in the originial but thats been changed for 1.1 and everything in your post has been fixed since the start. Thanks for the...
Hey , im on the marvel map review team. Can you send me the code to the advert in your sig please?
Its the same in the UK , the law system is going down the pan with a new obsession over minor issues of racism the court is going along with this....
Looks like a REALLY well thought out infection map , i love the idea of health packs and the zombie roof jumping. I would definitely download but...
Looks well made and like the others have said it would make for "chaotic" gameplay , also looks like weapon spawning isnt a problem here which is...
Looks like a fun map but i cant DL atm , qued all 8 slots until saturday. Props on speed and gameplay 3/5 at the moment , will have a play through...
OUCH. Sounds nasty man , great that you turned out alive though haha.
We need "Forge Glue" as everyone at Bnet says but i would DEFINITELY prefer a Geo-Merge option...
Does it involve Chuck Norris? cos if so thats the answer.
Its looks quite good but it wont be good for gameplay if you place the Splaser literally right next to the Overshields but apart from that it...
Hey i remember playing this when you invited me using the FH GT , this is a really fun map you got a DL from me. The vehicles never seemed to keep...
Infection weekends should be massively improved then maybe more people would play it , Bungie made infection maps fail and the gametypes are even...
It's true , people use anti-semitism as a reason to be against the whole idea , if someone can give me solid reliable EVIDENCE that games do...
You play rugby? if so youre a good man. Its true , people like that need to spend their time doing something constructive like selling all that...
Hey coolant , ive had an idea for a new map and it involves this pelican. I was wondering if i could use it as an aesthetic touch to the map. I...
I bet this game would be fun but you should add more spawns to create a bit more flexability and you could make more gametypes instead of just 1v1...
Im actually kind of uprised that Bungie hasnt released ANY detailed information in the form of text , like how they introduced the items from the...