Yo dude, could you please test your maps before you post them next time. So far, I noticed a bunch of things that didn't work correctly for a...
Yo BORG. Please add me on Xbox Live. I love your competitive mpas. Thank you for your time.
Yo, I really like this map, and I'm glad that you were inspired by Dream's Fire & Ice. Also, what is Chaos Racing, and how does it relate to or...
yo i thought ads were okay in PM's. I JUST WANT PPL TO JOIN OUR SITE...GOSH! I just got 2 infractions for advertising in PM's, and I didn't even...
Yo I really like your profile picture.
leave me alone u j3rk
Wow dude. I had a lot of fun racing on this track with you guys. This is one of the best Sandbox race maps I've seen, and definitely the most fun....
i am a good boy. will not do it again. sorry. i skipped reading the rules just as i do with reading instruction manuals. i may be lazy, but i am...
i know now. ive got 2 delete all those friggin posts
So how can i spread the word here if i cant just post it on pplz profiles?
I would never post porn. im sorry. just wanted to spread the word. sorry. im good boy
www.ForgeBattle.com Check it out. Sign up and post your maps. Get recognized for your true forging potential.