Munition A Double-wide Racetrack Download Munition Here Download Gametype Here Description - This track is our first attempt at a...
hmmm not bad at all your tracks remind me of the way i make mine you go for challenging and fun to complete and looks well done but id have to say...
thanks and how come most people that comment say they arent fans of race maps???
look like pretty solid layout i would just like to see some more outer photos
not half bad great job on map usage
Nice creek pretty creative also looks good i love cq maps
not a bad looking map at all i wouldn't mind more cover but thats just me good job
It was made back when halo first came out and that was when everyone thought fusion coils were awesome
This map was not made for tournys its made to have fun with your friends, also wallrider and flying goose aren't that fun because they are way to...
Extreme Racing Oldschool x2 Download Map here: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Gametype:
acctually i do have an avalanche track on here it was the first map i posted its called snotor cross check it out.
Thanks everyone for the possitive comments im surprised people liked it so much for not being a foundry track
Crash and Burn Taking it oldschool Download Map here: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Gametype:...
the track is mostly designed to try to complete the lap or just whoever gets the farthest also don't report badly until you at least try it out,...
yea the spawning start is pretty cool it always confuses people at first
The track overall is to short and gets old and repetative very quickly. The loop onoly works properly about 5% of the time and the interlocking is...
One of the creators bunch of towels thought of it, hes an idiot
Fergalicious Foundry Trak Please comment and rate Download Here: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing...
the track is pretty smooth but its simple, short, and no exciting parts 3/5
yea was just exploring and took the pics in the hub without realizing it till after the post