The map looks pretty nice, you make cool looking rollercoasters, on your next one you should start interlocking a lil more. also how do you make...
that map does have cheatable parts but i really dont care i hate when ppl ***** about it and i like the new start idea. But alot of the track is...
Wow another track by you they keep getting a lil better each time, there are a few spots that could use some fixing up but other than that pretty good
As you should have noticed this isn't a serious race track and is for the fun of playing with with friends. There are no barriers and ways to fall...
Wow this acctually looks like an awsome objective map. The base designs are a lot different than what ive seen great job
just to add something different we made a look out box ant then the entire track spawns after 10 seconds so at first its a blank map then u get to...
This map was made right when the map pack came out and it was also before i knew how to interlock but it is still very smooth, also the man cannon...
Alot of the barriers looks crooked and not stood up straight, the starting gate is misproportioned, try to make your banked turn acctually part of...
I understand what your trying to do with the offroading mixture but the interlocking is way off on all parts i do like thebanked turn but its out...
the reason we had to make our own gametype is because the deathrooms you have to pick up items to kill yourself and also since you can cheat...
If you wouldve read it mentions there is a cheat-proof start and finish nothing was ever said about the entire track being cheat-proof and the...
This map looks good in parts and others not so good with some more little touches and minor fix ups this could be a pretty great map 4/5
how did you make youor youtube video?
the design is good because it isn't used to much if it was a full circuit it could be great
The track looks somewhat decent im not sure if you used the money cheat or not if not great job with your supplies. somespots could be interlocked...
The items placed are very neat but the way the track looks doesn't seem to appealing to me but idk bout gameplay so i could be wrong, would like...
Racing maps are a fun side activity for a lot of people also making these takes a lot of hard work to make it impressive to others. Its fun to do...
most of my tracks work with the Racetrack varient except snoter cross and this one just because one of the death teleporters you would not be able...
Links have been fixed
You cannot score until the first 30 second destination move but i did add a shield door there but it is not shown in the pics