Wow man that looks pretty hard parts of it seem like they would get annoying, although the teleporter checkpoint part is nice. It gets very...
I can't quite tell alot from the pics right now but it looks pretty good. I will try it out later today as I have school and get back on if it is...
The flat thing I am referring to is the 180 interlocked turn bact to start after the jump. If you could make that whole thing a bank it would be...
I don't really like it that much I mean it's OK but It is really short. Also from the video it looks like you fall off way to often and the jump...
Alright I can't really say how much I like it due to the fact that the pictures aren't working. It has a little X. To embed pictures you must...
wow this thing is still gettign bumped!? OMG I thought it would have died a long time ago. Also I have to totaly agree with Dream on this race...
It looks like a very unique map and a good layout although problems would be things such as 1) It is probably too small for more than like 2v2 2)...
Wow the geomerging is really nice (I can't do like any of it lol) and interlocking is great too. I'll DL it and play a game or 2 and forge through...
This map is OK. The pics don't work for me it says they have been deleted from photobucket. The forging is good but it doesn't flow very well...
The pics arent working for me so I can't really rate the map or give critism =( But if you lould like to know how to do pics I know they have a...
Notics: this is constructive critism. 1) I doesn't really matter about interlocking or geomerging all that matters is playability but most...
I tried this map with 2v2 and ran into some pretty bad spawns... If one team waas in the attackers base the other team would spawn on top of the...
Yeah you have to get at least 1 or 2 pics otherwise it will get locked. Although I DL'd becuase I love puzzle maps you still need to do it. I...
I like this map alot. It has really nice geomerging (which I cannot do lol) and everything is like perfect. One of the greatest asthetic maps!...
the main thing is the jump above the train which is nearly impossible to make. I understand like how to race it is just my style to cut off...
The forging is done really well although I like interlocked banked turns that are circular and not just go up and come down kindof of thing. This...
Just becuase he is a trainee doesn't mean he can't forge lol. This map looks pretty nice and the 2 levels make it alot more interesting and you...
I have played through this map and I aggree with shadowblade... I could only make the train jump like 40% of the time due to the fact that you...
Haha this looks quite fun. The gameplay would be messed up a little when one person gets like an overkill or triple kill when they set off the...
this looks like a fairly good map. It has a pretty good layout of the building and I like the random teleporters lol (my noobishness too). I...