This looks like a pretty good map. The interlocking is done very nicely and the geomerging I can see is smooth and would work well. One of the...
hey man very nice conquest map I'm not going to let this die that easy =P. M yonly question is how the heck did you do those bars?
This map has an interesting layout. From the 3 pics that I can see it is quite unique. Although I didn't see any interlocking or geomerging it...
well thank you. Yes try it with the gametype the gameplay is a little different with it than battletracks. Also try and cheat and see what...
What are you talking about lopisided I make tracks that are fu nand work really well. It isn't lopisided lol (mabey a little but what track isn't...
To interlock smooth in midair like that what you have to do is make it not spawn at start and make sure you have guides to where that object was...
wow I can't edit my post, sorry for double posting lol but it won't let me edit my post due to computer issues... This map has quite a few...
This map looks a little too plain for me.
This map is OK. Good for a first map though I remember my first map wasn't all that great lol. The thing is it looks relatively flat. Also I'm...
Thanks, man. I know what you mean by a little bumby which I noticed to a little while I was testing it. I like it too. Also yes I did make some...
Alright thanks cool guys. So I take it you like it? lol. Just keep the comments comming lol. Also Shaddo I might make some adjustments later...
haha lol. Also for battletracks you don't want invincible vehicles becuase then you couldn't kill the people... Thanks for the comments so...
Map: Halo 3 File Details[/URL]"] Zevox map! Best gametype (a battletracks type race): Halo 3 File Details[/URL]"] Chaos Racing New video of the...
Yeah man this map is super smooth. I'm not sure how it got to be that smooth and it is really fun to play on. It would be really good for battle...
hey man this map looks insane. I Dl'd it and will give it a reveiw tomorrow morning. I guess i'm one of the few who test the map before giving...
Wow people do give 5/5's wwwwaaaaayyyy to easy. DRST track is alot beter. This track doesn't flow well very well. Corners are very tight turns...
I like this track alot. It is very smooth and some could be better but it is very hard to fix which is what is happening to my track i'm making...
Hi flair lol. This is one of the best racetracks that I have seen in a long while... It's interlocking is awesome and it looks like you will be...
lolroflzorz! The explosions that you are refering to are called killballs. Anything that touches them instantly dies or explodes (including...
I really don't like this I agree 100% with CC Pybus. You didn't take any advantage of what sandbox can do making long banked interlocked...