Re: Insane Race map on Foundry lots of fun beta testers rate 5/5 oh and btw add me if you want to help me w/ version 2 i can only play on...
Re: a guitar hero controller made of weapons thanks and if you wouldnt mind can you bump the thread for that and my race map...
Re: a guitar hero controller made of weapons i made the power-up by putting 2 different ones on top of eachother and thanks for the feedback :]
Re: Insane Race map on Foundry lots of fun beta testers rate 5/5 i didn't have enough space or things to make one V2 will have either a loop or a...
So me and my friend TR00PER23 were bored a couple of days ago and we made a race map. This map includes a jump, a big turn, a slanted tunnel with...
This is basically a guitar hero 2 controller made of all kinds of weapons MAP LOCATION -...
Im thinking of making a map on foundry but i have no idea what to put or anything.... Add me on x-box live --- A 1337 N1NJ4
no more pic's they wont upload
lmfao add me on xbl gamertag - A 1337 N1NJ4 i cant go on often cuz i got a broken xbox but on weekends i can
oh yeah and spam the bungie forum so ppl look plz
haha yeah, and tell your friends to dowload cuz i have like 3 dls and its been up for a long time
they wont go to bungie when i take them and yeah...
they wont upload i have a shitty computer ill try to get some more though it basicallly has a jump, a jump w/ a shield door to bounce off of, a... <- link to thread on Use normal Rocket Race Gametype It is a trick map with...