It says file not found. Fantastic re-imagining by the way!Next time I play customs I will give this a try first. That is, if the link gets fixed...
Wasn't there a cat walk in the main building? And didn't the sniper walkway have some overhead cover? I don't mean to be rude, but the catwalk is...
Like others said it's a good map, it's just that there's... penises. Everywhere.
I thought I had forgot something. It was supposed to be 50 seconds for FFA gametypes and 1 minute and 20 seconds for team games. My bro probably...
Thanks X RS Sniper X! I will edit it and post up in a little bit, about to watch a movie. Also I will add the weapons too, forgot to do that.
Crap your right I'll go fix that right quick you can redownload in a few minutes or fix yourself if you want. BTW thanks for the great feedback...
12 gauge pump shotgun and a 30.06 that I got from my grandpa. The rifle has a nice militray tip from back in the day that reduces recoil.
Hey guys, I re-uploaded it with a few changes. The roof of the center was off balance, and weapon spawns were all the same. these are all fixed...
Actually it's Zanzibar from Halo 2. The layouts are quite different. for example the catwalk in the back near the gate is in Last Resort, the Halo...
Did you remake this from the pics on or is this the actual map
I absolutely love them both, but prefer paintball because most of the people I have played airsoft with aren't exactly honest about being shot. I...
And even more so if you have a tippmann with a response trigger. It shoots once when you pull it and again when you let go.
So this thread isn't completely about this marker but it's in a contest, and I would like to see it win because the creator is going to use it to...
The AK74U is actually a krinkov, I can tell by the foregrip. Also, I have a G3 and SW40, will post pics when I get the chance
K thanks. Again great map dude
Crap, sorry I meant to ask what the walkway in bottom left of the second pic was made of.
Awesome map!. BTW what piece is that walkway in the bottom left of the last pic I see other people use it but I can't seem to find it!
how come you cant watch it without bungie pro?
If you are reading this, download now. To cartograph, I had thought this was already posted and you were just tweaking it. It's really fun and I...
What object is the spawning floor made of? Oops, sorry that I forgot to tell you how amazing this map looks!