Wow man beautiful map. will definatley download.
You are right, there is two cells you can break out of, I just discovered that. I realize some people do have trouble shooting down the fusion...
You dont spawn with a machine gun, use it to fight, and your opponent with a sword will kill you. trust me. You are able to get wins in a row,...
More crazyness, a dude online let everybody out. [IMG]
thanks man, we've already played many online games with this map, all of them have worked perfectly (with the odd person having some trouble...
Ohkay, Once you are chosen and set free, the grav lift holding you in the cell will respawn in 10 seconds (and trust me your battle will last...
Thanks for the feedback everyone. My Gamertag is WindowFace. Add me as a friend and i will definatley play this with you dudes.
I thought about casual, but this map is very competitive, also it requires no honour rules.
It is basic, I thought simple would be best, I concentrated on gameplay rather than aesthetics, it is very very fun. But like I said if someone...
Knife Fight This map is an organized knife fight (you may recall somthing similar in Counter Strike). There are no way's to break the rules in...