K then. Also, you should edit that into the OP. Now I need to post a new idea so this isn't spam :P LRMAN0989 ODST map [SPOILER]
KK then and what did you do with my flipping-bridge map name? It should be as I edited in (Gravitational Corrosion) and not 'Flippy map that I do...
It's a different gametype, if that's what you're asking. And yeah, you can post it into the main thread :D
Ok, I'll edit that into my post. Also, because I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to post my idea in a new thread, I'll post it here and get the...
Map name or person's username? For now I'll put my username (and I'll change it if you meant map name)
LRMAN0989 Gravitational Corrosion I'll make a bridge that connects 2 bases that will be relatively short, BUT there will be a place in the middle...
SAM-sites/Falcon-switching landing pads for territories? :P Yeah, it'd be reeeeeeaaaallllyyy hard to control them all though :/ Also, what...
Other people posted threads for theirs :P And that's what I was getting at, but it'd sort of rely on lots of people (2v2s would be boring, and...
0.0 A nuke?! LOL Anyways, this looks cool, but you never say if they have shields or not. Although you did say that BRs are weak, that leads to...
Hey guys, I just had a cool map idea. It would be sort of like all of the space fight/dogfight maps, but with 2-3 man teams on Falcons. They would...
LOL I just read it.... I'd never find that out on my own :P EDIT: The 'blue bridge of death' was easy..... now I'm in the blue room of BR and...
WHOA this is hard. I just tried the 1st challenge..... I haven't completed it yet. How the heck am I supposed to get that mongoose down from...
I have a lot, but they are just sitting in my head right now (I have been writing them down since I woke up this morning...). But all of them will...
I'm thinking it is that island but with a lot of stuff removed (stuff that I'll be placing when I get Halo: Reach :P). Also, I'm just gonna add...
Oh well.... that map still worked as a big team ctf or big team slayer map in halo:ce (IDK if it was on the xbox version, but it was called 'Death...
DIBS ON MAKING A FIREFIGHT VERSION OF THE SILENT CARTOGRAPHER ISLAND MAP (that island mission on halo:CE)!!! This is HUGE! It's basically...
This should've been in Halo Forge Discussion with the Map Preview prefix.... anyways, this looks awesome! The red base/covvie base does look sort...
Yeah, if it's done you should release it. You don't have to say 'Wait for August 10th for me to release it!'
Ok, I guess I was exaggerating that a bit :P Wait, if 'nades and rockets flush people out of there, how would it be a good place to let your...
OH NOES, you were encouraging camping in oddball! I hate it when people do that on foundry -_- Now I gotta go block that place off and save as new...