Must've been an alpha zombie. They aren't too strong but they can get you ;) BTW, the infected dudes (not alphas) are a little weak.
lol yeah I know but I'm talking about strength-wise. Alone it used to be an equivalent of the SMG but had more range (in H3), but it was most...
Well, I do remember Bungie saying that they just added the Repeater because the Plasma Rifle is weak without dual-wielding, but they said the...
K lol :P oh and btw, what do you think you'll switch the SMG with in Reach for the gametype?
Lol, I don't think I'll understand time zones other than the fact that most of the time they are an exact 1 or more hours ahead of me :P and I...
For me right now? no. 10:35 am for me ATM EDIT: Unless you meant something different than what time it is 4 me atm
In my time, the earliest I'll be on is 5pm (I was telling you earliest for me when I told you when in EST). And BTW, I have NO IDEA ABOUT TIME...
Ah, I see how that would work.... but the fact they're losing points would still force them to get their butt in gear :P And BTW, I probably won't...
o cool it works for Guardian? I thought you said you wouldn't have many (if any) DMRs or BRs, and Guardian has one or two, doesn't it? It'd better...
lol I still probably will, but I'll have to hurry to make my map, and that would lower the quality a little (Reach is so close!). And why I had...
Hmm.... looked over the thread, and I found a slight........ well, something. Reach doesn't have SMGs, from my (and everyone else's) current...
I will never start any more H3 maps after Reach comes out. Notice I said start, because I will finish my current H3 maps before I release Reach...
I just played this today ;) Although one guy on my team just sat right at the tele backing in and out of it until we scored, it was pretty fun :D
Ah, I remember testing this on Thursday or Wednesday :D Although you did add some stuff from when we were testing this (the tunnel to the...
LRMAN0989 Invasion idea [spoiler]
Oh... my... god. Lately there has been some Humans vs Covenant maps and gametypes, but this is an awesome game. I never thought of playing...
YEAAAAHHH!!!!! is what I voted. It was fun to play with my friend, even though I don't have a mic and he only uses his when he's with his friend....
Gamertag: LRMAN0989 Times you can get on: Whenever, it varies a lot. On weekends it'll be 7pm EST to about midnight EST (not midnight for me)...
Count me in ;) I love customs, but half the time I can't enjoy them due to a small friends list of people who play customs (1-3 people, one only...
I don't think people care what mood you're in...... I don't betray for a weapon. If that guy got the weapon first, he must've wanted it because he...