I still haz my chat room, which iz not FH :D
lol if only I were as lucky to have my comp and 'box close together..... I'm hoping my new comp is set up before Reach comes out, then I'll just...
lol I'm a good enough listener, my friends know my 'sign language' on Halo :P And I have a chat pad, so I can type fast if I need to talk (and...
1 yr younger ;) And I don't use a mic, so you won't even need to hear me. IDK if I'm considered 'squeaky' or not :P
Cool :D So the Spartans will just crash land on the beach and invade the Covenant outpost or base or whatever you're making it? And did you mean...
Yeah, but it'll be hard to complete in 1 and 1/2 months left before Reach comes out, and I don't wanna wait too long for Reach forge :/
Cool :D I've been working on my last 3 H3 maps for a map pack I'm making (The 'Farewell Halo 3' map pack. I came up with the name using my...
It doesn't, it has a cockpit and they see where they're going by computer screens hooked to cameras :P The cockpit is at the nose of the ship.
LOL :P BTW, what r u forging on foundry? (I'm on x.com while I'm on FH)
LOL. Doesn't FH resize pics by itself?
lol you're making a pic that's too big? :P Is it even possible to make a pic that's too big? 0.o
You could probably find it and it's expansion pack at Wal-mart (Where I live, they still restock it, and it still sells!). It has an...
Lol, I had a clan on it for a while :P Everyone quit Diablo 2 after a while, though so I lost interest :/ And yeah, the game's pretty fun online...
Yeah, but I thought GIMP was mac only 0.o I must be mistaken :P BTW, do you have Diablo 2?
You use a mac, then? :P BTW, I have MS Paint, Paint.net (as advanced as GIMP or Photoshop), and Photoshop Elements. But I use Paint most because I...
Oh, just saw your other msg. Sure ;) I have a lot of ideas though (more beyond what I posted in your thread! FORGASM)
Umm.... I meant PR for the Plasma Rifle :P The PR is Plasma Rifle, and I've resolved to giving the Repeater the abbreviation (you only added an...
I think there is, but it might not. I haven't been fooling around with gametypes lately :P
Yeah, the Repeater is the Covenant's answer to the AR. Good at short range, works at medium range, fails on long range :P The SMG and PR are more...
Pelican = Awesome, looks cool, is Human, has missiles, has mini-gun turret on the back. Phantom = Weak, looks gay, is Covenant, has gay plasma...