Need help finishing 2 maps. They both are on sandbox and they are really different from one another. One is a 4 base Competitive map. The other is...
Do you know where I should Post a message saying I need help finishing a map?
Where should I post a message for help finishing a map.
I was looking up some of the testers guild to help me forge and give comments on my new map and you were on some of their friends list.
Great Tourney Race Track! This track is great very smooth and fast. You did a great job making the track go around and through itself. One of the...
This map is amazing and to the statement of that, one of the bases has dead-end rooms in it, this is false the rooms that this guy is talking...
Added new pics for the Map!!! Added new pics for the map!!! As soon as I get some more test games on it, I will add some Gameplay pictures. For...
any one played it yet Has anyone got the chance to play the map yet?
Great Map Reiko! The map looks amazing. The game play on the map sort of reminds you of a blood gulch map or something similar. With cover on the...
Sorry about that I will probally change the name in the next version sorry.
Look like a pretty smooth map. I have to make some space for it and look inside that hill want to see how you did that.
Still play testing the map. If any one wants to help test the map, it is running pretty smooth now and just needs a few ajustments, but I cant...
MLG Downfall Great map for MLG CTF and TS. 2 base map. Plays fast across the middle of the map Needs more feed back for Improvement. Map...