16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, "You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and...
Please, cite where you derived from Scripture (or even elsewhere) that Adam and Eve did nothing to get thrown out of the Garden of Eden. The...
1. He doesn't "get rid of it" because that's not His will. We're what the Bible calls "Free Moral Agents." That means, God will never force us to...
Didst thou not read? I mentioned my mistake in that very post. I even posted again to clarify my post. I left the original version to show that...
I clearly stated that He was. To say that He cannot tolerate sin doesn't contradict Him being everywhere. Anyone with half a brain can...
I gotta say. I'm perplexed by that post. You listed valid reasons for professional gaming to be considered a sport; then, you left yourself...
Dun wury gai. I suppose the best way to filter out the bad is to inundate it with good. Good= you/me/people who post
I believe that you misunderstand what's being said. Consider the following::: There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are...
Lulz, no problem, old friend. The best part was when the fellow tried to defend his lack of material. I've just started following that thread, but...
That's a fun fact I didn't know about Chicago. In Florida, smoking in restaurants has been banned (a few years back). Like was said, I don't see...
Thanks, dude. That debate's been going for ages. Nice to see someone else who agrees with common sense.
You both are taking Rusty's "say something simple to say something intelligent" post all wrong. He's not saying that what the supporters chant at...
Dragon, or whichever one of you folks it was, I edited my previous post to fix your complaint. I was at fault.
I see what's happening. What we (those against hiding) feel about the subject is backed up mostly by pure common sense. There comes a point at...
Oh, now come on. Good ole' UF has done nothing to you, ha. We lost because we basically failed on all sides of the ball. 5 fumbles and the first...
Again, please, quote your sources. The debate section is where folks can come to have intelligent discussion. Guessing isn't something commonly...
Interesting/upsetting week in NCAAF, thoughts?
Mike, as a fellow Christian, I request that you reference your evidence, so as not to confuse anyone. Show me where you found that in the Bible,...
I said, "I bet," not, "I guarantee." My common sense tells me that they're not without padding for the hours of driving they're doing. Also, MLG...
Haha, that was sortta accidental. As somewhat of a Halo geek, I found MC's call-sign as a Campaign Score to be pretty epic, lulz.