A mod already said that he would ban you or see that you were banned. I'm just sayin', I don't wanna be disqualified cuz you just HAD to cuss out...
Can I ask for a reference to where I can get the Podcast you're talking about in THIS POST???
I'll check the PodCast that DTL was speaking about.
I needn't proof. You accepted it as truth when you replied to DTL's post. You didn't challenge his saying that then, so you must have accepted it...
Thanks for the font suggestion, but I'll pass. You practice what seasoned debaters know as "Diversionary Tactics." Please see...
Actually, you continuously post this "just make a blank map" BS. I assume that you're not being literal, but even the intended point is invalid....
Yes, Bungie is against camping. Your previous post only argued whether or not this was fact. As you've previously seen this said, and made no...
Fun for the winning team::: It ruins the ability for all involved parties to enjoy the game. Both the losing and winning team can enjoy a game...
[IMG] ^^^Not what we're talking about^^^ The issue of Marijuana is not exactly hidden in America. Everyone that will post in this thread either...
If you're gonna get yourself banned, please do so AFTER the 2v2 Tournament's over haha.
Actually, that's an opinion based off little more than personal bias. It lacks logic. You consider "suffering" to be not playing the game the...
First, I'd like to cover a few reasons that a woman might consider abortion. I'll try to counter each one. I'm sure that I'll miss out on a few...
Can I see some form of basis behind that theory? Sure, it makes sense for it to be metaphorical, but I don't feel this to be one of those "this...
When you see me offline after your next post, it's because I gotta long day's work tomorrow. I wanna stay to see your post, but I won't be able to...
We're not debating the existence of God or the reliability of Christianity. He questioned facts of the Bible. Thus, facts of the Bible are being...
Yes. I use the old skin because I think the new one fails. I used this color font until I realized that folks with the new skin couldn't read it...
1. You're exactly right. The snake (Satan) tells them that they will not die. The snake plays the role of the tempter. The reasons behind sin...
Lulz. I think "works" is a very loose statement. A lot of Offensive Coordinators mistake the Spread Offense for the ability to not have to protect...
I use red, though...
I think it's the fact that the Spread Offense is becoming more common. This year, we're focusing on taking the Offense to places besides Tebow and...