why yes. yes u can buddeh
i can haz +rep???
itsk buddeh. i wuld bang riku 2
o gawd ur a sexybaest
I was talking to some GoO guys, and they agreed that something closely or even roughly based on THIS would absolutely rape.
Not a problem, bro. Glad to help.
You must be crazy! Rikku's steal ability allows her to capture whatever excuse for craftsmanship tinkery that "Orlock" is "packing." Also, Orlok...
I'm gonna print that out and get it goin'. I think it could be cool, if we twisted it a bit.
I doubled the size. Need it bigger?
I can try, but it will lessen the quality.
hey, what do ya think about trying to make this???
I'm sorry, Telrad. I'm afraid that your character doesn't have bewbz; therefore, I deem him less cool =]
....so hawt
It's Rikku from FFX----click the link
[IMG] Rikku from FFX. I would SO tap that.
I have a BlackBerry right now. It doesn't load any kind of Flash. It runs slow as hell when it does choose to load a page. The keyboard isn't my...
Cool. I spent the last hour or so making small touches to a few maps for this purpose, lulz. Most are littered with flaws, but fun nonetheless....
Haha, indeed. I mentioned it in my introductory thread, but only because I'm capable of laughing at myself ha. If anyone debates it, I'll gladly...
Hey, guys. I sortta struggled in deciding where to put this thread. I considered Off-Topic, but I realized that I wouldn't actually get any help...
Furious recommended me months ago. I had posted a monstrous review to a map of his. He was impressed but saddened that I was infracted...