Make sure you don't embed the bungie url, save it then host that file. Can't wait to see this.
Sig Light: Dark (Or light if it is impossible to be dark with the provided picture) Name: PlasmaGlory Quote: I III III VII Font: Zebra (From...
roflolmao Gross.
Looks pretty nice, but I don't like the katana.
Really nice map, your an excellent forger. Continue to make great maps!
This looks like a really well made map, nice job and definite DL!
FFVII is cool!
This looks like a really well-made map, though I can't get a good feel of the map from the pics. DL!
This looks like a fun map, but you should learn how to interlock (it's very useful.) You could've interlock the two overlapping fence walls in...
This looks like a fun zombie map. Though some of the geo-merging looks an awful lot like Parched Solace, not saying that you did take from his map...
This looks like a really well made map. The tunnels and grate are really cool. Definite DL.
"One of my best ever" That's what she said! Cool pic.
Mods please save me from this spam, first a fake map then a hepta-post? (7 in a row) Bestow the ban hammer upon laxeric please!
I like the Valhalla, Sandtrap, and Guardian best. Cool. Aranore said: Oh yeah, I just looked at that, there are also teleporter nodes and radio...
I think you are getting tired of useless comments, so I am just going to ask: "Who put the Sword on a weapon holder?" You can't just go around...
You stole my idea for a map.
That looks pretty cool, looks kind of like an action figure.
This looks like a really well-made map, a definite DL from me. But that many power weapons doesn't seem like a good idea, but I can't say for sure...
This map looks very cool, however, I did a forge-through and the size of this map seems to greatly impacts its playability. It looks like it would...