YouTube - DeMoNiiiCz+InFeRnO tWo Dualtage please rate and comment on the video and improvements i could make AND YES I KNOW PHURION ALREADY USED...
Some Clips are used more than once YouTube - Supertage 2.2 YouTube - What I've Become MontageHD HD YouTube - Minitage YouTube - What I've Become...
YouTube - Get Off My Nutz if you can please rate comment and/or subscribe Edit:video dissapeared for some reason so heres a link to it on you tube...
I am in the making of a newer montage which will have high quality
Sorry its been a while if any of you remember my other shots from awhile back [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Lately I have been working on an MLG map and I have most of the middle and a beta version of one of the bases, and I have been having trouble...
Does any body know exactly how to merge a sign a or b flat on a double box ao that only a ring shows up instead of the letter and arrow :confused:
I figured out how to geomerge how to merge a powerup into the window side of foundry because i can get a wall out there but how do you do it on...
I really didnt know what to name the red ones but they are still badass Portal[IMG] ? [IMG] ?2 [IMG] Stone [IMG] cloaked [IMG] Ghost...
Lightning [IMG] Fading Reality [IMG] Rage [IMG] Blue Fire [IMG] Death [IMG]
:confused:I would really like to know because everyone that makes them wants MSoft points for it and I think thats bullcrap so if someone could...
Solstice FFA Created by prophetofheresy Set up for slayer oddball and KOTH. Inspired by all of the maps I have made in the past 3-7 players...
Could someone show me, with pictures, how to mount the weapons on the wall without the weapon holder sticking out It would be very appreciated....
MLG Colosseum Created by prophetofheresy MLG Colosseum is where blood, sweat, and tears are the determining factor of your fate. Not strategy...
Taken on valhalla [IMG]
This is a picture of me and me good friend brandon on blackout on my fileshare...
Colosseum Perfected Created by prophetofheresy Colosseum Perfected is where blood, sweat, and tears are the determining factor of your fate....
Can you somehow get the monitor thing to not follow you around like with overloading cause im making a ninja map and i need it dark and that dam...
NSN Coloseum Created by Prophet of Heresy Supported Gametypes: Mosh Pit Slayer Map Description The NSN coloseum is basically an arena with 2...