Here's a preview of Orion. Geometry is pretty close to complete. Still need to button up a couple holes here or there. Spawns, Objectives still...
Been working on a something on Ravine for a few days now. It's not gonna blow anyone's mind away, and it's still VERY rough around the edges, but...
Looking for a way to re-create Rocket Race, and I'm having some trouble. Anyone care to look through some of the game options and see if there's...
Crag Basin [IMG] "Something something gorge something something remember something something battle." Crag Basin is a Rocket Race map...
So Im trying to set up my initial destination for my RR map. You know, like the center point on Valhalla, Standoff, etc thats the first one of the...
The 2010 NFL Season kicks off on September 9th. Preseason starts in less than 72 hours. Who's your team? What are your expectations? Discuss...
I've spent quite a good bit of time in Theatre mode thus far. Here's the first big batch of my better screenshots from the Beta. I spent about an...
I'm ripping this post from another group I'm in to share it here, because its awesome. All credit goes to Odin12345 for this write-up. There are...
Brian Jarrard confirms F&F Program for Reach on the NeoGAF forums: LTTP but here are some answers to recently posted questions and a few other...
Descended Vale By CaptnSTFU Supported Gametypes: Conquest Recommended Players: 4-12 Aged yet not forgotten. Inspired by The Hollow, this...
For those unfamiliar (like I was), here's Aisha Tyler: [IMG] Urk posted this image over at NeoGAF this morning. Also this morning, Aisha Tyler...
Video by WhtButterflyLiz ***you may recognize the name, she created the Sandbox Sketchup components that many of us use to plan our maps, and also...
Today in San Francisco, Microsoft's X10 event will feature, among other things, the press getting the opportunity to be the first of the public to...
Check this technology out. This guy is super smart and is going to be making a TON of money sometime, if not already. The vid is a couple years...
Watch these two vids the whole way through, and marvel at the possibilities this has on future technologies. This could be a viable avenue for...
[IMG] THE FINAL SEASON The 6th and final season of ABC's prime-time phenomenon LOST begins tonight, February 2, 2010. "It only ends once,...
[IMG] So, I'm pretty big on the TV show Lost. I've watched through every episode twice in the past 4 months. I'm pretty intrigued with the many...
[IMG] 1The home of Trollface.jpg on Forge Hub. Enter at your own risk! Forging 101: Ghost Merging What is Ghost Merging? Originally...
ABORASOS By Devinish & LIGHTSOUT225 [n. Ah-bohr-ah-sohs] Latin: A really, really ridiculously awesome Tremor Blast map on Sandbox. Like, really...
The Hollow Created by Urban Myth Recommended Players: 4-10 Recommended Gametypes: Conquest The Hollow is a conquest map with a different feel...