i like the pictures they made me want to DL,
Nice map love the idea and stories
This looks a little sloppy to me, maybe you should take it down for a few days while you fix it up, then i believe this map could be a very unique...
nice map mongeese and houses muh favoriite.
lol i like the baracade, i dont usuelly see the old items in the new maps nice idea
Re: "Shihuruville Part 2" Sequal to the first Shihuruville!!! nice map looks fun to play DL now
this map did not really appeal to me sorry, and i know you spent alot of time on it so dont let me rain on your parade :), nice map
very creative, nice map
nice map looks hard to get all those walls in there and whatnot gratz
i love the new version, keep it up
octagon looks amazing, must have taken some of ur wiik3d Skillz to make that
Nice map i like all of the house/building type foundry maps
Nice map done very nicely
Nice map could be used for snipers if done correctly
Pretty original, but nicely layed out the only thing is it seems small, but it could just be me, i dont like the close doors feeling
Nice map i like the layout, and your weapon choice
This my friend is genious nice interlocking technique
nicely done but you may want to try and straighten out the things in the first picture
Very professionally laid out nice job, gratz
That looks very cool i have attempted to make a pyramid type building like this, not like the block ones like most people and its very hard gratz.