Re: Map Designs (Much Cooler Sounding Than 'Ideas') 1. Cool idea but the triple spiral staircase might be hard to pull off. 2. Sounds a lot like...
Looks like you are going to be making one final masterpiece, but you don't mention why you're retiring from halo 3 forge.
Sounds cool, but how would you recreate the elevator in forge for Fractal because it would the first time I've seen one.
Giant warthog, giant master-chief and mainly bigger versions of small things would be really cool.
Multi-flag wasn't included in halo 3, but maybe in an update bungie will fix this but for now multi-flag isn't possible.
No, because it's very random and pisses lots of people off. It really should be fixed.
I think that if Foundry was specifically made for usage in Forge it's normal that we see way more map variants on it then the other maps.
I prefer playing :squirrel_rocking: on enclosed maps but it really is just a personal preference.
I went ahead and checked your first thread and I doubt that it would have been hard to edit your first post rather than making a new thread.
Re: Idea to make Forge 10-100 times more flexible/create even more interesting m Tons of great ideas although I think that the script system is...
Don't feel bad for posting something you thought others would find to be useful, just try searching first and then posting.
Good idea but you should start the map with an unlimited budget glitched canvas map because 4 buildings will be costly.
Not to be mean or anything but if no one is expecting a map then you don't really need to make a post where your telling us that it has been delayed.
nice idea and if you made this map I think a lot of people would download it although assassinations would diminish it's overall quality.
Unique and very good looking from the outside but I think this map might be a bit shallow.(bad pun)
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the...
Very original concept, but I doubt anybody will want to play this for long. But it is a proof of concept. I am patiently awaiting the full...
Very cool idea, technical accomplishment, unique and overall outstanding map.
I'm sorry to say that I and many others do not like random weapons in random places. And play testing a map before posting is usually a good idea.
thumbs up on getting in there but like Nemihara said If you can't make the map more interesting than shoot, kill and respawn I don't think you...