Set spawn time to never.
Make a landmine spawn in the phase after whatever phase you're on, then put a fusion coil on the landmine. Both should explode instantly. I think.
I think you can change custom powerups to slowly decay your shields. Unless Bungie removed that. Which would suck.
No more explanation is needed amirite. But MEH I WILL. We need to be able to make callouts. Like, in Pinnacle, the Landing Pad is 'Coastline'....
I was with you a couple times, but I missed Civility. I was sad.
Oh, ok.
I haven't gotten the PM yet. Did you send it to me?
Ya, that should be good.
I'm only available on weekends. Hopefully that won't mess up anything.
Ok, I'm in then. By the way, map looks great.
I don't mean Invasion Slayer. I mean like "WORT WORT STOP THE HUMANS FROM ADVANCING TO THE CASTLE WORT WORT" and then first team to 50 kills...
So, testers just look around for minor errors? I could do that. Will we also need mics? I don't have one.
Cliffhanger is already the name of a map, so you might wanna change that.
Well, the glass cover is in front a of a teleporter going down to the bottom, so the walkway is for that. The two ramps on the side will have man...
Oh yay. Another SketchUp from Lampshade. I'll be uploading a small pack of my maps when I get 1 or 2 more done. This map is called Elevation,...
SO MUCH TO ANSWER. Gametype: For now, Slayer with some friends on Custom Games or something. Second Floor: I'll try that. Above water or land:...
For ships you could use: Skybound Airborne Acension (owait) UNSC something
Yeah, I just made the map (almost) and the pathways are thicker.
Shrine is a small map I'm going to make, but I got RROD'd, so I sketchUp'd it. But no my Xbox is ok, so I'll be making it soon. [IMG] This will be...
Oh. Then delete this please. I made a new one where it belongs.