Re: Spillway you have a good point. and i do like infection and my infection maps are almost all really balanced, but i guess I just got tired...
Re: Spillway Actually. I started map making doing the usual fusion coil map thing "pretty lame i know, but it happened.". Then I went on to make...
Re: Spillway I hope you all really like this map and are waiting for the next map pack realease happening real soon.
Re: Spillway Yes Ki Jason did co-forge this map with me. "Help make" is sort of a lighter term. Ki Jason and I are partners "not in that way you...
Re: Spillway The feel I have been going for in maps these days is not only good gameplay, but the addition of the feel to an Aesthetic map. The...
on the first pic "telaporter" should be "teleporter"
OMFG so funny
The new map pack is comming along great. we will have a release date soon.
That is why good maps that are well made and varry from others that a forgers has made, especially if they use interlocking with the map geometry...
Re: sick Halo 3 Sniping Montage yeah the sensitivity thing is not only reallt kool because you rule at sniping, but it really brings the video to...
Re: Halo 3 Sniping Montage Wow. I made a map pack with you... We talked for so many hours... you killed me many times... And I still didn't know...
you should make an episode from the elites perspective of episode 1.
You know... Instead of just making comments... Id like to see a sniping video you have made Cr0ok3d. If you have one post it. If you don't... go...
made a toilet on last resort once. it kinda worked... LOL
Re: Whack A Mole**New Pictures** no offense, but i really dont care whos is better. i was just giving an idea on how to make a whack a mole.
Re: Whack A Mole i made my own version anyway. it uses king of the kill. took me 30 minutes to make. small kinks but it really doesnt effect game...
Re: Whack A Mole- First Map I'm going right now because I have a solution that fixes this. I will post it in a sec.
no offense but this is really old... I wana know how to get into the pipe running along the whole level. "the one in the air"
I'm still on the edge of not retiring, but its just a loss of interest really. Think about it... all the time people talk about how they are tired...
you can also go through the fans