I lolroflmfaoed.
Edit: Double-posted. I feel retarded.
Weclome to Forge Hub. A good idea is to get a second controller. Trust me, it comes in handy. Interlocking objects isn't a hard business, just go...
Lol, pretty cool!
Looks cool.
I'm not American, so I don't know what it's like... It's still a good map.
Re: Tunnel Rats 2 Some clever ideas in there.
Pics are too small...
I'm no big fan of Zelda, but this is done very well.
Master Chief - wher is teh lov3, teh love teh l0ve
Vandals! Have they no respect to holy ground? lol
Re: Halostock (a full festival map) I'd give it 4/5. Pretty good. :)
Lol, nice!
Not the best I've seen, but it's still astounding!
Looks good!
Nice remake!
OMG. 5/5 to youse!
That looks pretty good! *thumbs up*