The humans spawn right near the shack, Infected spawn out in the desert and stumble their way towards "The Hive", if they can make it that far!...
R.E. Extinction Created by USNSEABEE555 Supported Gametypes: T-Virus(Infection variant) INFECTION Weapons: None Equipment: 2 Plasma Grenades...
Thank you for the constructive criticism any feedback received is highly encouraged, appreciate you taking the time to do so! I will be sure to be...
420 Created by USNSEABEE555 Supported Gametypes: SLAYER TS Map Description celebrate this years 420 holiday with family and friends...with a new...
Temple of Zion Created by USNSEABEE555 Supported Gametypes: SLAYER Map Description As the third temple in Zion neared its completion. The gods...