Wow, I honestly don't feel that I deserve that much credit but thank you alot!
Well, not sound mean or anything but it is named Ancient for a reason my friend :D Glad you enjoyed it! I hope it exceeds your expectations,...
I have made a map like that already, well in a sense. I named it Cloud nine v1, it is in my fileshare if you want to check it out. Or I will post...
here recently I have been running into a problem, similar to the one stated above. Only difference for me is i delete the ones i don't want via...
anyone wanting to play CTF with us on this map add me and join our session in progress!
Thank you everyone for the great feedback. If you download the map, please rate it on the bungie site. I think it might help when it shows up in...
here check out Zach Galifianakis YouTube - Can't Tell Me - Kanye West Will Oldham and Zack Galifianakis
pics are fixed, sorry dunno exactly what happened!
definitely, I have over 50 of their albums! Of course, a majority of them are various gigs recorded live in a number of different
Glad I could be somewhat of an inspiration. I agree with you anthony, it looked nice IMO but it did make it a little difficult to see. I'm adding...
if you want rockets your going to be forced to take a trip down under their is advantages to the lower walkway in CTF...but shhh I...
Thanks for the spirt booster :D meant it more as a joke then anything...since some those harsh words seems to be others reply when they hear how...
hmm, are you sure your thinking about the same match as myself? As I recall I went 20-4 not a bad ratio. hahahaha....anyway IMO Judgement leaves...
very nice map bro, I really enjoyed serving up a can of whoop ass against you in CTF on here. Job well done, fo sho.
pics are now up, as for the man cannons there are two on top of each base. they won't reach from base to base though unfortunately. They launch...
i will fix the pics bro, Im a huge fan of Sublime myself! Thanks for the quick and courteous reply. After I clean my friends list out a bit imma...
Ancient Narrows! Created by USNSEABEE555 Supported Game types: Slayer, TS, CTF, Oddball, Swat, plus many other custom Game Types. Map...
if someone could give me a hand with these dang spawns on my new map im about to share its almost complete and need some advice...i set it up for...
Pictures are working fine for me bud, not sure what to tell you, except you could try following the link to d/l the map as the screenies are...