I will definitely use that guy when forging future projects, but as I wrote earlier I've managed to keep me inside the budget leaving me with...
That's understandable of course. I think I've come with a way to JUST keep me inside the $700 budget. As you pointed out, I'll try to see if MLG...
Link doesn't work ):
I'm in the middle of making my best map to date, but now that I have almost everything done, I need a bit more money. This is really important...
Oh :/. Well I'm asking for a friend and he did go for neutral bomb though flag would be better. It's for a SWAT gametype, so I'd guess flag would...
Does anyone know how to make neutral flag in forge in Halo 3?
Well I need the merged box to be 4 walls high from the ground, so doors won't work. I just put the top box up on 4 walls and supported the merged...
Hi all I've never merged objects in to the ground in my maps before simply because I didn't felt like I needed it, but on the map I am working on...
What ALL maps should look like? :P
I'm glad you're all liking it, and I do agree with the looks of the fence walls top mid. But the problems was that all single and double walls...