there is a sanbag passway on the left( its very small ) 3 dmr's 1 plasma launcher and a lot of crates you can hide behind. ps: dont f*ck with my...
wow looks awesome! are you sure about the weapons? i mean 2x sniper 2x shotgun 1 grenade launcher and an energy sword... the map is a little bit...
sorry for the english xD the little village is just for the asthestics and so is the bridge ( no screenshot ) thanks for your feedback, ihope to...
hello this is my first infection map:) i hope you will like it, there are two parts from the village of Nurn, the part in the valley [IMG]...
thanks man :P and yeah i admit there are way to many power weapons on the sip, i didn't really tested the map beacause of my internet connection....
there are two pictures that cant display, please post soome more because the other picture looks pretty smooth :) Edited by merge: wowO.O i'll...
lotr fan 2 :) and serieusly nobody makes the deeping wall be a little curved... all the walls are just straight which is really something to work...
hey , im gonna make some lotr maps too i already made a ffa map called: balins tomb ( you will find it around) it will be very hard but awesome if...
hahaha your good mate, if you post it on forgehub please let me know. would be awesome to see the gameplay :)
thanks for liking it :) i dont know if im gonna make an expansion, its very hard because i builded it on the ground so a stair going down would...
ok man your first map good idea, but needs working. u know how to get my images smaller? xD
thanks :D i'll make a list of the weapons today
this is my anchored pirate ship map, its made for slayer and team slayer. here are some pics and a clip from the map. list of al the weapons...
this is my map of the lord of the rings: balins tomb. its a little map with the looks of the tomb. its playable for normal slayer only( 4 players...
keep up the good work m8 ruubie5 (junior member)
yeah dude would love to see some pics its also a rule here else your post will get blocked, just saying ;)
its okay now.. the administarator tolld me my mistakes and i changed them. now its open for comments again:D
thank you RedNeck for your help:D
hey i wanted to post my pillar 2 like i said but how to post my map??? Added after 4 Hours 9 minutes: w8 i got it all only the pictures wont...
the foto's were not able to show on some kind of weird way:S but i'll put a link to my google foto album of the pillar. plz look at them and post...