Yes, most of the aesthetics were spawn pieces, but as far as the actual building goes, look at the ceiling, the doors, the bathroom, things like...
So yes, it'd be good for them, but I'm just worried that with the kind of things Bungie can do, the limitations Facebook has are only limiting them.
I agree with SaltyKoalaBear, but you are using areas that don't see much use, which is good. If you can really find a way to maximize the...
Did you see what I just changed my sig to? I think I'll keep it like that for a while.
But Facebook, really? Wouldn't you be pissed if Bungie made the next Farmville?
From mall security! NANANANANANA! To every enemy! NANANANANANANA! We're on your property, standing in a V formation! You have made my day.
So why was it on Facebook?
Oh. I did not know that. No more forever alone! Still, everybody here should listen to the song.
So I was just on good ol' Bnet, when I decided, hey, let's see if Bungie has done anything with Activision or whatever vile company stole them...
Hulter, if you downloaded it, I don't know how you got lag. I played this on 4v4, split screen, with NO lag whatsoever.
Oh. Then I seriously fail at jumping.
Well, I'll start with this. There's a reason Pinnacle sucked. I like that you're trying to use the pillar for a map, something I've rarely ever...
/winning. Anyway.... so you know who MCR is, right?
Look at Zatherla's Apartment 5B for help on aesthetics. Don't go too into detail, though. I like the idea, but how will you get the survivor to...
Bro, watch the vid in my intro thread... Who's MCR? You're BLind....
How dare you. Youtube. Search. Now. Or I will personallyy make sure you join The Black Parade. Actually, here's a link to it. My Chemical...
Hey, you should really check out SYLUX's Volcano. It's freaking awesome, and I'm sure you saw it in the FHF nomination thread.
I have no idea where Stafford is. I'm guessing north? Anyway, I live in the Southeast part, League City.
MCRmy is their fanbase.
Oh hi, there Northern Guy. You cold, bro?