I would advise playing classic slayer//objective BTB, but yea i can deffinetly see it being compared to a BTB Midship. Thanx for the imput!
Thanx man, I got 10$ left on the budget so it came out pretty big :P. As for the teleporters, if you look at the last picture on the post you will...
Buildings not found under the “buildings” list… Bridges WITH railings, that aren’t one foot wide. Low pathways high pathways mid pathways all...
One of the best Asemetrical Maps on the Hub atm! plays as smooth as it looks ( and i am so stealing the tin cup - curved wall - tree idea!! :P )
Well forged and very acurate. Plays as smooth as the original! This map is a keeper
Im gonna have to steal this guys exact words looks: nailed down. gameplay: needs work.
For your very first post, i must say not bad :) . But I see you have a good deal of budget left and i think the map could use some touching up...
Wow looks awsome. Downloading now, will get back to ya with some feedback
Faith - Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Tyrant - Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
This A Relativly Small, Semetrical Map, With A Fast Paced Combination Of Close And Long Range Fire Fights. Its Built Against The Two Waterfalls...
All around an awsome map, the only thing i wish was different is the cannon man direction in the sword room. i think they should go up not down :P
Looks pretty cool, but just a heads up, you dont need to resize your pictures, forgehub automaticaly resizes them to the size they need to be...
No offense but your screen shots just make this look like a big rock circle with a minor incline. But I will download it and get back to you with...
Wow, first off concers bad fur day was the shiz! secondly, you beat me to it!! I was gonna remake this map but you realy did it justice so there...
The map looks good BUT, its just to similar to the original Blood Gultch (i dont remeber the reach name for it). If you want to make an impression...
I Must say, after seeing the pictures i wasnt all that impressed. but the video made me change my mind. the map looks sweet and idk weather or not...
I think i know what part your saying is to open, the bridges that lead into the middle and the the middle itself being vulnerable to anyone else...
yea sorry about the double posting, im rather new to these forums i just got warned about it. It wont happen again. As for every other forum...
This Map is has a nice variety of close combat and cross map DMR/Sniper spots. A combination of controling the middle and good sniping/DMRing from...
first map ive seen that i actualy hit the "download" looks good. i like the grassy areas trown in with the rest, ill br back with more feedback...