Re: ..:Forklift Wars:.. cool map once again dude! could you bump our Star Fox Ship v2 map for me because its getting lost back in page 4 and...
sweet thanks for the comment shotzgunz! ill go check out your post also!
Star Fox Ship v2 This Map is Playable with Only Slayer, one flag CTF, and one bomb Assualt! I also give credit to Shotzgunz4u for helping me make...
thx for the comment im glad you liked it. but v2 is now out download it here: Star Fox Ship v2. In this one you can actually play on it with...
Re: Star Fox's Ship yea sum1 just told me that on the bungie forums...
Re: Star Fox's Ship it looks alot better in person if you were to download it.
Star Fox's Ship This is an exact replica of Star Fox's fighter ship from all of his popular video games. It is hard to describe this but I will...
well the pics may make it look casual, but when your in-game playing CTF or slayer, it gets really competitive.
Ok ill try that, thx for the info! Edit: yay thanks Sagan it worked =) --- any new comments/concerns? Please don't double post. Remove this...
yea but i dont know how to make them bigger, i uploaded them on like the other guy said but they are still small.
ok thx for the comments and thx for telling me how to make the links bigger!
ok now is the post up to standards?? This map is compatible with all gametypes except terrirories! Pictures are at the bottom...
Played with Infection! Humans start off near a group of vehicles and must drive your way through a junkyard to reach the elevator to make a last...