I agree with the question they asked though, "When are you going to show us Sandbox? You expect us to buy the Mythic Map Pack without getting a...
Well maybe some of us can't read orange...
Hmm, I didn't think a misspelled word meant so much to you people.
Well if I was referring to your comment, I probably would've said something like, "Wow, that 07WRX kid is a dumbass..." or something along that...
Sheesh Insane, I didn't think people hated you this much. Either that or their jealous...
Wassup fool...
Hah! That reminds me of this post. Good 'ol Optimatch Forum I gotta tell ya... Some things were apparently made to be, according to Shishka that is.
I can't really use the Heatmaps anymore. Everything, like everyone has already said stated, is just red. I can't really "pinpoint" anything or...
Maybe they might implement the Flames onto our disks as well for present Recon owners or maybe for the new recognized people. Just throwing an...
maibee, butt whou noes rite?
Example, here. I wonder how lucky he must feel...
Well it depends on what Gametype it is and what Map it's played on, specifically. I don't wanna play a gametype where the zombie spawns in the...
Well why wouldn't it be in code? I'm sure they would be, considering it being on the disk would just make things even more complicated for Bungie...
Same here, but honest to say the ones that I have heard weren't really that funny. But that's just me, maybe other people think otherwise.
Yo insane, I'm trying to get Skype here but it's failing miserably, lol. Anyways, what's you Skype username thingamabob?
Why is everyone so cereal? Are you cereal Insane?
Sheeshkabob! Everyone seems very "violent" type people around here, my god. Can't we all just get along? Sorry to get off topic though...
Well you never talked about a demo besides the title of your thread so I automatically assumed you were never gonna talk about it, and didn't...
Well Cold Storage wasn't really kept in secrecy from us viewers/players. There wasn't real much surprise in the map last time I checked. We all...
Wait, so your telling me the demo will drop by this February? Do you any specific date on when it'll come out? That sounds freaking ridiculous...