This map is great! >Great interlocking >Incredible geomerging >cool choice of weapons >Nice layout >fun gameplay >aesthetics =) Overall, TASTY...
WTF FTP, what does that even mean. Oh yeah, wasn't supposed to ask =P Your maps seem decent. There are a little too many shield doors and...
I really like this map! iT'S cool that you put weapons such as the flamethrower and fire nades because I just love to burn people =) I also like...
I already responded and apologized and deleted my post, so stop being such an asshole!
WOW! You did a fantastic job improving this. Your last version was not very good but this version is incredible. You have made this map great. I...
nothing showed up for me...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I'll check out the video but I'm just wondering how hard was it too get out? Will it ruin the game with people escaping or...
when you gave me negative rep you did NOT state a reason. I am sorry I shouted at him, while I was writing my post you posted. I thought I was...
This isn't the most creative map I have seen but it makes up for it with stellar interlocking and geomerging. It is incredibly clean and tidy. The...
do not give out bad rep without a reason!
Very cool idea =) I love the slanted sides and the layout. This looks really fun but you need to interlock the floor so it will play better, get...
I see why you decided against a brute shot. If the rockets only have 2 shots and a 3 min respawn I do not think they will overpower the map...
Yeah, I agree with you. This map looks very sloppy and interlocking and geomerging would really make it great! It also seems cluttered with...
I don't think that rockets on this map are much of a problem but you might want to replace it with a bruteshot and see if that works, I dunno...
you gave me neutral rep too, WTF!
yay, I'm in the green!
I really like the aesthetics of this map, it doesn't look like anything else! The tall walls give it a neat look =) I think that gameplay would...
I just love this map! I like that you used man cannons as lights. I like the aesthetics and layout. I love the attention to detail and clean...
It seems like you didn't put much work into this. The randomly placed barriers are a sad excuse for cover. The aesthetics are bad and people will...