Wow, looks like a wierd remake of foundry. I usually download maps if they really impress me, but this does not. It does seem like you put some...
I have to say... this is a GREAT map, one of my favorites! I downloaded awhile back and was very impressed, not only by the great aesthetics, but...
Embedding Screenshots in your Map's Thread Part 1: Taking a screenshot. Sorry, no pictures for this section, don't have a capture card, but it...
Your random geomerging looks kinda lame and your fence wall floor just looks wierd. I like that man cannon wall though, it looks great...
I don't think I have ever seen such a unique and interesting map. Many of your structures have never been made before and don't look like anything...
This map looks great =) I like those creative structures, should provide a welcome break from the regular cold storage. It doesn't look incredible...
I really like this map. I'm glad that someone else made a map with a pallet conv3yer belt besides pallet parade. Great job on the interlocking and...
THIS IS AWESOME! Foundry looks a million times better =) Great job, great aesthetics. This should b3 in matchmaking!
Spammer, you need to embed photos of the maps! Just kidding =P Thats really cool that we get the maps early =) Can't wait to play on them and see...
Please embed at least one picture! Your map sounds great but you need photos. Embedding Screenshots in your Map's Thread Part 1: Taking a...
This is very creative! Great idea, assault sounds fun on this map. I like that you used interlocking but didn't interlock unnecessary things. Very...
how did you get that awesome sig?
WOW, this is one of the best foundry maps I have ever seen! Your interlocking (though a bit sloppy in places) is phenomenal. Great aesthetics...
The interlocking and geomerging is a bit sloppy but I like the way you constructed those bases =D You should make the creek in the center out of...
could you add some more pictures to your thread so we can get a better view of the map. I would really appreciate it!
haha =)
This map looks kinda boring. I do not see anything revolutionary or even particularly interesting. Also sheild doors + sword = camping = =(...
dude I love your sig
stop posting please, your spamming up the forum! READ THE RULES EDIT: cool you figured out how to embed your pictures. Now you need to create...
cant wait for facade!!!!