Thanks for the compliment epic chief, they are really kind words to hear from you. mcclintonsl, i think you'd be surprised how bad energy swords...
PROJECT MISRIAH -STORY-Draco Glaciale Project misriah starts from where antsieg der toten left off, with the four characters in there transport...
There is one, you see it near the end of the trailer. You blow up some fusion coils and some trip mines drop down. They either blow up on impact...
Thanks for all the feedback soon, I'm going to make the last update soon, so if anyone has anything they think needs fixing. Now's the time to...
Yeah, it is quite confusing. In the next map it should be simplified, for newer players.
Thanks, Pack-a-Punch was a labor of love, took absolutely forever though ;) There is another one in the works, with a new perk, new Pack-a-Punch...
Anyone think that the zombies need more health, they may be a little too easy to kill when you've picked up Pack-A-Punch?
Zombies can't get jugg, and i was thinking if i put a tiny kill barrier just for blue team over invis that would stop them, but it would be...
Thanks. The zombies start with sprint, so while walking they may be slower than humans, sprinting they're faster. The can also pick up invis,...
Anstieg Der Toten V2 ANSTIEG DER TOTEN V2 I'm sure weve all played remakes of black ops zombies maps in reach, and they don't really work....
I can't even make it past the first room :( I spawn in the trip mine room, my buddy gets the pistol and shoots the grenade to make the AA kinda...
Really like this Antares, I was expecting a great map from you and I got one ;). It looks very unique, and has an interesting flow where it looks...
Thanks, I generally am a lot better at the actual map layout than aesthetics, spawns and weapons, but I tried really hard for this one so hearing...
HANGER V2 Hangar is a symmetrical Slayer/Objective map, but is also set up for FFA, Multi-Team and Infection. It is a fairly small intense map...
Thanks, I agree the map is a bit overcrowded with weapons and the spawn timers are a bit off, and maybe grenades as well, I have about 16 plasmas...
Will do, I will probably spend a few hours play-testing it, editing the weapons and spawns, adding other game-types and hopefully make it look...
Of course, I completely forgot about that, thanks, will add it tomorrow when i update game-types and hopefully aesthetics.
I see, so not just using one piece of decoration at a time, merging them, HOW COME I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE... I have a lot to learn :(
Thanks, I'm glad for any constructive criticism. Do you have any tips for aesthetics, I try but can't ever seem to think of anything :{ The other...
HANGER Hangar is a symmetrical 4v4 map. Right now it is only set up for Slayer within Team, FFA and Multi-team settings, but I plan to update...