This is pretty easy to get, and i'm not even the creator. The Sentien Beam dispenser- 1.) Ok there is a rig or box to drop the weapon 2.) There...
Ok number 1.) as I said before the sliding door yook a while to build. Number 2.) I don't have bungie pro+ i'm not getting it because I don't want...
Can you tell us how to make this or what to do, instructions, this conveyer belt could be used for later mnaps of building you know. Also How do...
I ned more pics before I downloade this map that what i'm saying but, it looks like a pretty good map over all. I may downloade but,... need more...
I've only played duck hunt , I didn't get it at first but, then I got it so I may downloade the other 2, possibly
Guys later you'll have more action because this isn't even the last map pack, ther coming out with Heroic map pack 2 later this year.
Thank you for your download, you will probaly like the map i'm thinking.
most of the work was building the sliding door
I inter locked in the map
This is my first map what do you expect- it's even lucky I have embed pics.
La Sliding Door SUpreme 321 Supported Gametypes: Capture The Flag King of The Hill Territories Assult Map Description >Two bases+Weapon room...
Suonds fun, but there can be funner items of intrest like making A Giant frigate not a small on like what you just told us.
OK I want to make all the different ways and types of forging and how to do the types + what makes a good forge map a what dosen't. (I'll scheck...
How can people not know this stuff, come on this is the easiest and well know trick in forge, basics. Make a tutorial on opening and closing...
Not a bad map, have you tryed to play with more than 1v1? What the map needs is a vfew morev weapons, just a sujestion. Also this map needs a well...
Reasons why this is complety and utterly not the map Manchu Picchu Manchu or anything of their Inca people. Manchu Pichu- A high elevated city...
Epi- Skin Center- Middle/place Skin place Skin middle Well at least he didn't call it these names but, if you look at it it's a pretty bad name.
Halo 3 takes place in the year 2500- not exact, do they have weapons in the year you specified, and still ould they have suits like that in this year?
Supreme321, if I joined a group here is a link to my Bungie profile: Bungie Profile These are my maps and links to them: La/The sliding door:...