lol no i dint get the name from metroid prime hunters funny some 1 already asked that... w/e thx for the praise it helps, and i havent tested long...
thx flaming omelet, ill be sure to try and use your comments. Idk i might make it lighter and the bases i think are fine. V2 is coming soon! (im...
thz 2 all that commented again. i just got home from school, so i had 2 check on this. Im going 2 be making a V2 hopefully after my other map, so...
thx 2 all who commented i will listen 2 your comments but i hit the object limit so i gotta do somethin idk. A no i didn't base the name on the..."][IMG] OUBLIETTE Oubliette-A secret dungeon with an opening only in the...
this is a pretty good map looks good 4 ctf and that stuff. But im looking at teh weapons going, WTF? this looks unbalanced, i may be wrong. 1 team...
Hello, T3H SNIPER KING, and welcome to forgehub. You got pics, which is always a plus. hope you like it here. YOur map reminds me a lot of...
Hello Lucky Spazz, and Welcome to Foreghub. I see you got the pics down. U probably have been here for a while and no the rules and stuff, so i...
wow i downloaded this and played with a bunch of ppl it looks and feels like Gemini. Great Job. The Sword spawn looks good, and the teleporter in...
I will post! u got 1 post! yays. :) lol now the map. Foundry is over dude, this is gotta be your last. But i will still rate, nonetheless. and...
wow i have 2 say this looks like the best ascention remake so far ever. very nice job. I especially like the center area (Doesnt spin... sad face)...
just askin, what map did u base if off of? i just looked, and i dodn't see 1. lol but thats ok i don't rly care that its looks a lot like utah...
wow i agree with twilight snipe this map is beautiful! love the graasy courtyard spawn and love the arch architechure. I dont know where the...
hey dude ive never heard of you before. hello. Your map, looks incredible. You have the interlocking and geo-merging skills of, uh... ME! LAWLin!...