This map has really nice forging, I can say that that's no problem for you. The whole look of the map with the forging really blows me away;...
Wrong section to post this in. Request move to Halo forge Discussion. But if you need advice, here's what i have. Make it on any map you want,...
Glad to see this up and running. I truly am happy that this is up, it caused too much pressure and remorse for me to handle. Nice interlocking and...
Ha, Forge Wars. Good times. But you did not invent it, I no. But you have changed the rules. You can't map a canvas out of a canvas! In Forge...
There are many here, but not all are called Halo. Either look through the mini-games forum, look through the casual map forum, search it, or post...
You should have told me you joined, dude. It's Dylanpwns u27 BTW. Welcome.
True that Dow. I've always loved this map, and it's great that it's getting some well-needed recognition here. And the fact that it's a minigame...
Ahh, you posted it here too. I was the guy who got owned by the block! But I was also in the epic last man standing run, so it's k. Lawl....
No, wait until a moderator sees this he'll probably move it to the forge discussion forum for you. Probably just an accident on your part, no worries.
You can't post previews or unfinished maps in any map forum (Although the layout plan is good, hope it comes out like that, but you might hit...
Hazza! Long time no see, I had no idea you were posting all these. From experience, seeing the production of all three of the maps, I know a...
Oh, a blood gulch remake, or of the sort. Haven't seen one of those in a while. Looks moderately good, but the size doesn't match up, but that's...
Cramped? Gameplay sucked? These are not at all problems. If red base gets the power weapons, then make a plan to stop them before they do, or kill...
I remember playing this a couple days ago with you and others (I was Dylanpwns u27), a 4v4 game and a territories game. You interlocking and...
Have you heard of Battle Tracks? I hope you have. And he doesn't have Recon, his avatar is just recon, not that he has it. He's an elite in the...
If you want BTW, you can replace Dylanpwns u27 with PRSplayer42, because that's my GT. I remember testing this and helping you after with...
I've seen your other race tracks, and I think this is probably your ebst one, and I'd think you'd agree with me. It looks extremely smooth! I...
V2 is posted! If anyone has the V1 download the V2, it's a lot better. Trust me.
Answering questions now! Ehand: Thank you for your long, supporting article on all the stuff you liked. I see now that whatever I did, I did...
[IMG] TELEKINESIS Telekinesis-the ability to move or deform inanimate objects through mental processes. Hello again! This is the V2 of one of...