for purely competitive play, yes, a simple arena shooter is the best. but 99% of the gaming community isnt looking for purely competitive game....
i feel like youre exaggerated just a bit. halo 4 doesnt seem that different. yeah, they made some changes, but the gameplay looks pretty much the...
yes, but most of the UNSC weapons are quite similar to modern day weapons, based on descriptions and appearance. they should sound quite similar.
you should probably get your ears checked
what guns have you shot, BB guns? because they definitely sound more realistic to me as well.
halo is far from a cover based shooter, 99.8% of the time if someone is taking cover, its going around a corner or behind something easily large...
i'd rather just have consistent hitboxes. why would you be aiming for the horn anyway?
youre all so original and clever
yeah, halo does have quite a large expanded universe, but the actually story involving master chief has been about as simple as it gets without...
because it is being discussed in the thread titled "Halo 4 Discussion"
So i just thought of something about the pioneer specialization, and i was wondering if someone could explain something to me. it says there are...
i was just saying that i was not trying to defend or criticize the game at all in my original post, but i was criticizing the posts in this thread...
youre dissecting my post all wrong, im afraid to inform you. your counter-arguments are actually rather pointless, since nowhere in my post was i...
go play nexuiz or something then. I understand why you dislike these changes, i agree the game probably would be better without them, but these...
for anyone whos extremely concerned about their armor fashion choices in multiplayer, you can rest easy now
With an armor system as sophisticated as MJOLNIR, you dont really need any visor at all. a tiny camera could take in all of the surroundings and...
I adored grifball in halo 3, on foundry. hated it in reach
-basketball -rugged sport pick one i wrestled growing up and through high school. that was my main sport, my best. but i also played...
how is attempting to control the high ground foolish? and obviously fall damage doesnt apply to falling off the map below the kill barrier, thats...
i remember hearing that as well, someone at 343 said it