same. plus, no bloom. and if for some reason i wanted single shot, im going covie carbine 100% of the time.
only the DMR has bloom, i believe. definitely of the starting rifles
most of your pics are broken...
how so? it has 2 snipers on the map already, how can it be too open for any of the new weapons but not too open for 2 snipers?
i think sidewinder is one the most overrated maps in halo. i never thought it played too well. and blood gulch is the most overrated map in halo....
the binary rifle seems fairly different. in the video, it had a large spread (looked larger than shotty) when not scoped in. and it seemed to be...
"Online interactions not rated by the ESRB"
that helmet (aviator i think) looked pretty lame in the picture with all the helmets, but in that video i can't help but think it looks awesome....
how is this bad? the narration is for audio cues as well as visual, it can only help gameplay. and medals for doing things like driving the flag...
is this not ODST? [IMG] and i might rock oceanic for a while, being a Big Daddy spartan is pretty awesome.
So that "a hero awakens" trailer apparently had a shot of a script with some details on campaign. It basically just confirms what a lot of people...
not necessarily. as long as one team is controlling the spawns nearest the objective, they could rack up points by not letting the opposing team...
no im saying they sould leave it a bomb that goes kaboom when grif scores
from the episode of rvb from which the game was inspired and based on. "That’s why the ball carrier turns orange - everyone in the game is...
even if it is its own gametype, why would they change it from a bomb to an oddball? the whole point of grifball is the bomb detonating as soon as...
it kinds of bugs me a bit that the oddball and assault bomb are the same thing
no, the light rifle is quite similar to the DMR, its not a sniper. the binary rifle was the one that was one-shotting people. but to me it...
hmmmm id say you could always try it out in halo 4 once it comes out, and see what you think of it then.
better than exams right after it comes out...