Not sure if any of you were in the Lolbox yesterday, but I was talking to various people about making "Energy Bridges". Now I'm sure you've all...
Is it just me, or does the new forge seem very restricted to what can be produced? I mean, it's very nice getting these new rooms, blocks,...
My new map eXodus is currently about 45% 95% complete and will be my last map before Reach comes out... The map will hopefully currently...
[IMG] [IMG] Created by Steve 11thselby Supports 2 - 10 players Gametypes REGEN King and Team REGENKing For more information on...
I'm really impatient these days and i tend to forge from imagination instead of planning and i get really annoyed when maps dont turn out in...
I'm just re-forging a map, and i found block huges were all used up from ghost merging (so i had 29 placed and 1 for ghost merging) However, i...
Well this is my latest map. It's been designed around my new Gametype Regeneration Slayer and whilst building it, I decided it would work very...
Regeneration Gametypes [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Created by Steve 11thSelby Graphics created by B3NW and Crypto...
Rise My newest map.... Rise. Specifically designed for Team Regeneration Slayer [Download Here] where the objective is to control a bonus...
I've just been thinking of kinda a new twist in slayer. The gametype it will be used in will be King of the Hill! I'm not at home to see if i...
Apology for Jumpers ;) [spoiler] But anyway, to justify this threads worth. Does anyone have any suitable suggestions / preferences to what...
My new map "Warlord" is designed around Warlock from H2, Although designed around Warlock, it doesnt look anything like it... (Well i dont think...
i need a guy uber quick for my newest map Warlord. Its a Warlock re-imagining, that i designed in paint :) It kinda drifted from the inital...
Question: Why does the vast majority of America have to manipulate/exploit every single game out for every single platform? Answer: Because...
This is my newest project... [IMG] This is somewhat a view of the centre of the map. The map itself still needs roofing, and walls making...
I've decided to create a new gametype... It's in the works at the minute, and it depends on custom variant maps... What makes this gametype...
I've been working on a project for the last four weeks and its hit the object limit wall :( It's about 80% completed, with only 1 half of one...
I'm developing a map for an up and coming map pack. I really, REALLY need an advanced track makers skills at the moment. The map itself is NOT...
I need some who has good experience in Budget glitching. I either need a canvas in the crypt for Sandbox, or someone to show me how to glitch a...
Just reading through some posts and looking at random maps and a random idea hit me. Now I know I've already made an Asset map and its still...