To All of The Dedicated Fans Out There Thank you so much to the thousands of you out there who downloaded the original Wretches game and map and...
Hey FH o..o, it's Xay. For the first ever in my entire Halo Forging career, I'm actually making a map that is built around for almost every single...
Oh! If you're looking for fun Infection games to play on Foundry with friends, try out my Wretches on Shafts! It's greatly balanced for both...
I don't know.. I feel lost without mah Interlockage D:
DAAAANG... I just realized that Default Items can't be interlocked using the Spawn At Start method D= This is much harder than I thought XD
This seems interesting, I'm gonna see what I can cook up X3. Also, a few questions-- 1. May we use FX? 2. Are we allowed to delete any...
Hey, Xaybiance here, and I've been having some issues with coming up with an ultimately balanced gametype for an Infection I've created. The map...
Woohoo, action shots are up! These were all played on Plasmaterial's Custom Game Night 2, which was absolutely freaking hilariously amazing XD....
Trust me, you'll WANT them there ;D
Experience Project Evil Location: Jubajinni, Africa Situation: Several reports of Project Evil's presence being made known in local villages...
Whoaa... I posted this a long time ago o.o Still awesome though X3
Dude, this is a really nicely made map, and the gameplay is fantastic! XD 9/10 is my score =D
OHHHHH... God, am I stupid. I didn't know you could simply just invite everyone online thats in the Guild's Friend list. Sorry for the...
I know, I know, I just wanted enogh testers to make gameplay be as efficient as needed. But I suppose I can make changes..
Yes! Always did have a feeling that Midship would be remade one day. Sweet, and thankfully it wasn't Blood Gulch. I think I even remember some...
I never said I took it from my friend, I said that I was allowed to remake what my friend had created, and so I did. And don't knock something...
Unfortunately, I tried making an elevator in the beginning to add a cinematic feel, but I ran out of money, so I ditched that idea XD. It's just...
**We got Action Shots Now! ** I promise you won't be disappointed if you DL and play with friends! =D And if not, don't forget about our money...
It's a pretty nice map. A friend of mine showed it to me once..
Looks and sounds like a pretty neat map for Infection! I'm downloading this one ^^