How about give an infection map ago? I know I have never creating an infection map and I am currently working on one right now. Although it's...
First off, welcome to ForgeHub. The map looks nice and clean and smoothly interlocked. Although it may get boring after awhile, so do most of the...
The main idea of the map is a nice touch. Although, it does need a little bit of cleaning up and a little more interlocking (I actually couldn't...
I was just playin. =) Don't get all defensive or anything. lol
That is good to know. It's a drag of how many race maps that there's one bump in the course with not railing and it throwings you completing off...
This map does seem a bit confusing. What is the whole purpose of this map? It would be nice to show some actions shots and what not. A better...
Looks like a pretty nice racing map. Although, as I can tell from the pictures does it play out smoothly? It looks as though there are an...
The only way to make it last untill your dead is to mod the settings. But modding is strictly prohibited on ForgeHub and shouldn't be talked...
That's right *****
One of the rules here at forgehub is to not double-post. Just edit your post next time. Anyways add me. GT: TriG HaPpY WTF Hey
The written tutorial has been out for awhile now. I just got my cap card a few days ago and decided to make a video. Got beef still nemi?
Yes this is a very original idea. I totally like it. Deffinate DL!
You should probably throw in some screenshots or a downloadable roughdraft version first. Right now it's really hard to say what should be added.
I have just recently finished my video on how to succesfully merge a movable object in foundry into the geometry of the map. Please feel free to...
Looks like it plays very well. It's q'd for me. God job.
Why does this map has over 30 posts? That's more than any of the decent maps get. I think that if this has 30 posts on it, then there should be a...
(teabagging the cigarettes... 50 bonus points to whoever can name the map XD) Re on Carnation....fool. Give me gonus rep. =)
Re on Carnation.....
Where at?
Lol ya I guess you could try to scope. It will be very difficult as you're moving through the air at a fast rate.