Hey! You thought you could take full credit for Falcon Cougars and I wouldn't notice!? Anc YOU KNOE if it wasn't for my Thunderrcougarfalconbirds,...
OMG IT'S WHIZZLE! Yeah, I got booted when trying to join this game. That made me sadface. However, after drying my tears and cleaning up the...
El lolzo.
¿por qué usted odia ciencia?
i dun posted a comment.
That cone is no laughing matter. I once heard that it leapt 30 feet into the air, came down, and smashed Virgil right in the head. And then it...
Postin' the Going Green map?
.nodnarB haeY
I liked the gameplay on this one, but teams always seemed to hideout in the main room, which got lame quick. However, I still had a good time,...
Lol, quick friend request accept is quick.
After playing both Protocol and Monolith, I can safely assume that Uplift Reserve and ONI Aftermath will be equally awesome. Asset = A Pretty...