Woah now, let's not go around starting new arguments about seperate people. The game in question is "a very fun game on an elephant", and there is...
Colored forum? Like racial segregation? Christ rifte, the only race is the human race! Why should a few people be forced to only post in a certain...
lol wut
Excuse me good sir, but what is this "hub pub" of which WOLFninja speaks?
So you went with the 3 capture points, eh? Good decision, if I do say so myself. Played all the maps, all of them were enjoyable. Also, one of...
Lol, story got baleeted (by me), because I didn't feel like posting 5 1,000 character posts where purple (or some variation) was every other word....
Purple is a general term used in English for the range of shades of color occurring between red and blue. In additive light combinations it occurs...
V2 cuz' i made a profile called HomeTheArmless, but i forgot the password. YAY HATS.
How does everyone have christmas hats on!? What the ****. MY ALL CAPS AREN'T SHOWING.
HEY. I know who you are... muahahaha...MUAHAHAHAHAH!
That dinosaur makes me happy. Oh, he's so content... That is all.
This looks to be a great concept, mixing Asset and Judgement into one, but there is one glaring flaw. ASSMENT!? SERIOUSLY? You could not think...
Sorry about the whole Asset: Escort thing. My condolences extend to you and to your family. For realzies.
Hopefully on the Sandtrap variant, the Rat's Nest version is what warranted my rage fest up there.
I'm gonna be completely honest, the Asset: Escort gametype by bungie plays absolutely horrible, at least in my last experience. It occasionally...
Suicidal Grunts? The Suicidal Grunt pales in comparison to the feared Grunt Chieftain! His Plasma Pistol PAWNCH crushes all hopes of survival and...
In my biology! DUHH! Right here! In my lower intestine!
This map is cool because it has Virgils and I like that. In all seriousness however, cool map bro. The map gets progressively harder as time goes...