i got your message, i'll use it to invite you next time im play customs because my friends list is full
if you send me a message on xbox live i'll invite you next time im doing customs... i do A LOT of customs
i saw your post about wanting to play with a lobby on my Inf_11 Infiltration Act 1 map. i have the solution you should sign up for BIOC on here (...
i basically finished Act 2, i really like how MOST of it came out. plenty of testing a tweaking tomorrow, you're invited
I sent it last night, im on right now and i'll be on for a while. looks like you'll be able to help with Act 2, i have super terrible forgers...
im EST, i'll be on later today. im pretty sure i sent you a friend request so yeah, it'll work out eventually. PS Act is nearly done but Act 3 is...
i just invited you 10 minutes ago, get online :D
I put that piece at the beginning solely to have a color catch your eye because the whole map has a color scheme to it. It looks out of place a...
They are Roxio pics (man i'm cheap) and i don't remember if you played an actual matchof this with me but I remember you and AIDS and someone else...
i showcase maps but you have to sign up and wait your turn unfortunately. if your content is SUPER AWESOME you'll get bumped up the list, if it's...
my birthday is 4/7/1992 (saturday woot woot). i am interested in your new infection map! and i will have more free time next week so i'll try out...
I have a huge list of singles that i can't keep up with :( i added you to the list a while back, you are number 13 on my list. when i'm about to...
you could help me with Infiltration Act 2 if you want, send me a message on xbox live. it is mostly done but you could help still. the video only...
thanks for subbing :) it's me and another guy (oldmps). mostly race and infection
thanks for appreciate my effort with the pictures lol. with bnet down i was like "OH NO!!" but i was determined to get pictures and post this map...
happy birthday!
I'd appreciate if you checked out my thread for my infection map :)...
I finished that super MLG pro 360 scopes map btw, i dont know if you played it with me. here's the thread...
here's my newest post on here, i dont know if you already saw the youtube video...